If your wours nightmare as mom is fine your child dead.. well that was my case wean it came on Monday
This how it star it I had to trained a new nurse for Faith. She was running late but still had to get some supply out the other room, i pot her down in the floor with disney movie on she normally she dosent move just stay there and wash her TV. well it was probolly i was in that room 2 or 3mnt i hear a big noise coming out her room i go over their and see her almost to entre of the doorway with blood coming out of her trach, yes people she roll over to far that she pull her trach out and she was bleeding from the pull, and she was blue oncosaine not responded, i sream so loud,yes Kevin was in our room sleeping he say he didn't hear me yaling, well i was like wear the oxygen tank need it to say it was in the car. ok so i roll over her so i can have the trach out so i can pot it back on, wean i did that she speeding blood out of her mouth, so thank God I had my cell in my pj packet, so I call give them the info low pols, low hart beat still blue oncasuies, no response , pout the trach back lead the vent give her breath, the 911 operator ask me if the door is open i say
no i say i had to live the room to do that, well all this time that was busy with faith the nurse was out side knocking the door , I tell her wat it happing she ran to the room, star giving her breath ,suckssion her blood out , and make sure she regaine counssion, it took a will but Faith wake up and staring crying and wanted to wash her tv. so the paramedic came toke info and weant to the hospital to get check need it to say it inventfull day, she doing good, but know we so cousies weand she in the floor because she love rolling over, but know we can live her in the floor with out being wash .